ACC - A/C relay
ACS - A/C switch
ALTC - Alternator relay, for control purposes, not present on all ECU’s
ALTF - Alternator switch
BKSW- Brake switch, for control purposes, not present on all ECU’s
ECT - Engine coolant temperature
ELIMA- Electric load detection, not present on all ECU’s
FANC - Fan relay, for control purposes, not present on all ECU’s
FLR - Fuel relay
IACV - Idle air control valve, controls the 3 wire type IACV valve, (N)egative and (P)ositive control
IAT - Intake air temperature
IGPLS- Ignition pulses, 1 is always present, 2 can be ignored
IGP - Battery feed, only active when key is turned
IGR - Engine speed
IMO - Checks IMO code of the key and activates FLR if correct
INJ - Injector, the numbers refer to the pair of cylinders connected (1 is on the side with the belts)
LG - Ground for battery circuit
MAP - Manifold absolute pressure
MIL - Motor indication light, this one gives the control engine light (CEL) signal
PCS - Control solenoid, this one is for the small black cylindric valve on the back of the IM
PG - Ground for battery circuit
PSP. - Power steering switch, not present on all ECU’s
O2S - Oxygen sensor (lambda sensor) signal
SCS - Service connector switch, checks if the SCS connector is hot wired (for reading engine error codes)
SG - Ground for 5V circuit, 1 is for the MAP sensor, 2 is for the other sensors
STS - Starter switch
TDC - Top dead centre
TPS - Throttle position signal
TXD. - Diagnostic connector, communication signal to the 3 wire connector next to the SCS connector
VBU - Back up battery feed, always active (unless battery is removed)
VCC - 5V feed, 1 is for the MAP sensor, 2 is for the other sensors
VSS - Vehicle speed sensor