Orijinalini görmek için tıklayınız : almanca bilenler bi el atin yardim ?

15-03-2012, 21:22
bu yaziyi turkceye cevirebilecek birileri varsa eger cok makbule gececek..
google translate sagolsun bir iki kelime anca cevirdi :D
benzin olmus 4bucuk lpg olmus 2bucuk ben hala swap arastiriyorum, ustunede turbo..
kendimemi kufretsem napsamki..
neyse metin bu:

Also 2 sachen vorweg : der 2e block ist einer der besten vw-blocks die man für einen turbo-umbau verwenden kann und zweitens vergesst diese scheiß-kits.......

Ich habe einen g60 block auf 16v turbo umgebaut ...werde demnächst aber auch den 2e block verbauen ...den haben bekannte auch drin und der ist echt suuuper......

Fangen wir mal an....der 2e block ist sehr gut da man den 16v kopf(kr/pl/9a) einfach dranbauen kann ,genauso wie das g60 getriebe , man braucht nur den zahnriemen vom ABF (golf 3 gti 16v)...das ist eine sache die zweite ist die:der komplette kurbelbetrieb kann locker mit 1,5 bar gefahren werden...es gibt welche die fahren den serien 2e block samt innenleben mit 1,7-1,9 bar ladedruck....die orginalen pleuel können ohne probleme mit 1,5bar LD gefahren werden....wenn man den 16v kopf drauf macht muß man jedoch ventiltaschen einfräsen lassen,in die kolben,weil die kolben sonst auf die kerzen hauen würden...verdichtung ist dann 8:1...kenn jemand der es für 25euro pro kolben macht...die kurbelwelle kann auch bleiben....der block ist also über 400ps standhaft.....

mein projekt für ende des jahres ist auch der 2e block + schmiedekolben + stahlpleul + scharfe nocken + extreme kopfbearbeitung + s2 auslassventile(natriumgefüllt) + große düsen + stoßaufladungskrümmer + kkk k rennsportlader + großer ladeluftkühler + 76mm auspuffanlage.......ich hoffe damit auf 450ps zu kommen

also man brauch kein scheiß kit kaufen für teures geld man kann viele sachen bei ebay kaufen und einige im geschäft...man muß nur wissen was...etwas auseinandersetzen damit halt...erfahrungen sammeln......nicht das siese hgp kits etc. schlecht sind oderso..aber halt unbezahlbar wenn man bedenkt ,dass man es für die hälfte haben kann.....

aber alles in einem ist es eine sehr gute entscheidung diesen motor dafür zu nehmen,da er sehr standfest ist und somit eine sehr gute basis hergibt

2500-3000 muß man dann aber für was vernünftiges investieren....mindestens

du mußt einiges ändern..schweissen..und viel zeit aufweisen......aber dann kannst du viel spaß haben
ich hoffe etwas geholfen zu haben...

ps.:fächerkrümmer wird dir nix nützen und chip mußt du sowieso anpassen lassen.

15-03-2012, 21:25
stock 400
modifiyeli 450 hp imiş :D

:hehe::hehe: :D

15-03-2012, 21:32
ozet geciom;
ilk projem g60 bloguna 16v kapagiydi ama gerek yokmus 2e asla ondan asagi kalir degilmis. rahatlikla kapak oturuomus; krank dislisi degiscekmis sadece birde valf boslugu acman gerekiomus pistona yoksa cakma yaparmis. sikistirma bu halinle 8 olurmus. 1.8 basarsanda 400 hp ye kadar yolu varmis

diger paragraf icinde ise herbok degistirdim simdi 450 hp oldumu umuorum demis

teldenbukadar yazdim ozur

15-03-2012, 21:33
stock 400
modifiyeli 450 hp imiş :D

:hehe::hehe: :D

daha neler :D :D
2e motoru arastiriyorum ben :D
o yazida 2e blogunu cok ovdugunu dusunuyorum psikolojik olarak :D
cidden yau cevirebilen biri olursa acayip merak ediyorum..

15-03-2012, 21:36
İngilizceniz varsa daha iyi anlayabilirsiniz:

So two things first: the 2e block is one of the best vw-blocks that you can use for a turbo-conversion and second, forget this shit kits .......

I have converted a g60 block on 16v turbo will soon obstruct ... but also the 2e block ... have known the inside too and is really suuuper ......

Let's start .... the 2e block is very good because you can head to 16v (kr/pl/9a) dranbauen easy, just like the g60 gear, you just need the timing belt from the ABF (golf 3 gti 16v). that is one thing .. the second is this: the entire operation can be easily driven crank with 1.5 bar ... there are those who drive the series 2e block including internal 1.7 to 1.9 bar boost pressure living with ... . the orginal connecting rods without problems can be driven with 1.5 LD bar .... if you do the 16v head on it but you have to leave with the same tool bags valve in the piston because the piston would otherwise pull out all the candles ... compression is Mark 8:1 ... then someone makes it for 25euro per piston ... the crankshaft can stay .... The block is so steadfast about 400HP .....

My project for the end of the year is also the 2e block + forged pistons + stahlpleul + hot cam + extreme head machining + s2 exhaust valves (sodium filled) + large jets + stoßaufladungskrümmer + kkk k race-loader + large charge air cooler + 76mm exhaust system I ....... I hope so to get to 450HP

So you need not buy expensive kit for shit money can buy many things on ebay and some in the business ... you just have to know what ... some deal that we do not collect ... just the experience ...... Siese hgp kits are bad, etc. .. but oderso just priceless when you consider that it may have for the half .....

but all in one, it is a very good decision to take this motor for it, since it is very stable and therefore a very good base hergibt

2500-3000 .... but then you must invest at least reasonable for what

you have to change some welding .. .. and have a lot of time ...... but then you'll have a lot of fun
I hope I have helped a little ...

ps:. headers you will not do anything and you have to chip can be customized anyway.

15-03-2012, 21:36
cevirdikya olum neyine yetmio :) bu arada bu araba icin boktan kitlere para vermeyin herseyi cok saglam dio

15-03-2012, 21:37
yapıştır google translete çevirsin çevirdiği kadar

15-03-2012, 21:38
ozet geciom;
ilk projem g60 bloguna 16v kapagiydi ama gerek yokmus 2e asla ondan asagi kalir degilmis. rahatlikla kapak oturuomus; krank dislisi degiscekmis sadece birde valf boslugu acman gerekiomus pistona yoksa cakma yaparmis. sikistirma bu halinle 8 olurmus. 1.8 basarsanda 400 hp ye kadar yolu varmis

diger paragraf icinde ise herbok degistirdim simdi 450 hp oldumu umuorum demis

teldenbukadar yazdim ozur

est ne ozuru cok tesekkur ederim..
vayyyy 2e nimet diyodum ben kimse inanmiyodu bana :)
2e ye sanirim abf kapagi oturtmus degil mi?
cok iyi ya bu bilgi benim icin altin gibi suan o derece yani..
acayip mutlu oldum ya..
benim para bulmam lazim en acilinden..

15-03-2012, 21:39
ABF swaplayacaksan birgün garaja gel konuşuruz

15-03-2012, 21:40
İngilizceniz varsa daha iyi anlayabilirsiniz:

So two things first: the 2e block is one of the best vw-blocks that you can use for a turbo-conversion and second, forget this shit kits .......

I have converted a g60 block on 16v turbo will soon obstruct ... but also the 2e block ... have known the inside too and is really suuuper ......

Let's start .... the 2e block is very good because you can head to 16v (kr/pl/9a) dranbauen easy, just like the g60 gear, you just need the timing belt from the ABF (golf 3 gti 16v). that is one thing .. the second is this: the entire operation can be easily driven crank with 1.5 bar ... there are those who drive the series 2e block including internal 1.7 to 1.9 bar boost pressure living with ... . the orginal connecting rods without problems can be driven with 1.5 LD bar .... if you do the 16v head on it but you have to leave with the same tool bags valve in the piston because the piston would otherwise pull out all the candles ... compression is Mark 8:1 ... then someone makes it for 25euro per piston ... the crankshaft can stay .... The block is so steadfast about 400HP .....

My project for the end of the year is also the 2e block + forged pistons + stahlpleul + hot cam + extreme head machining + s2 exhaust valves (sodium filled) + large jets + stoßaufladungskrümmer + kkk k race-loader + large charge air cooler + 76mm exhaust system I ....... I hope so to get to 450HP

So you need not buy expensive kit for shit money can buy many things on ebay and some in the business ... you just have to know what ... some deal that we do not collect ... just the experience ...... Siese hgp kits are bad, etc. .. but oderso just priceless when you consider that it may have for the half .....

but all in one, it is a very good decision to take this motor for it, since it is very stable and therefore a very good base hergibt

2500-3000 .... but then you must invest at least reasonable for what

you have to change some welding .. .. and have a lot of time ...... but then you'll have a lot of fun
I hope I have helped a little ...

ps:. headers you will not do anything and you have to chip can be customized anyway.

evvet bu da iyi oldu tesekkur ederim ;)

15-03-2012, 21:41
ABF swaplayacaksan birgün garaja gel konuşuruz

aslinda abf den cok 2e ye kayiyor aklim bu aralar..
hem fiyat olarak cok daha makul hemde icinin epey saglam oldugu soyleniyor 2e nin..

15-03-2012, 21:43
senin kafan karışmış :) AGU koy madem kafan rahat olur stock motor 300hp gündelik binebilirsin

15-03-2012, 21:44
İngilizceniz varsa daha iyi anlayabilirsiniz:

So two things first: the 2e block is one of the best vw-blocks that you can use for a turbo-conversion and second, forget this shit kits .......

I have converted a g60 block on 16v turbo will soon obstruct ... but also the 2e block ... have known the inside too and is really suuuper ......

Let's start .... the 2e block is very good because you can head to 16v (kr/pl/9a) dranbauen easy, just like the g60 gear, you just need the timing belt from the ABF (golf 3 gti 16v). that is one thing .. the second is this: the entire operation can be easily driven crank with 1.5 bar ... there are those who drive the series 2e block including internal 1.7 to 1.9 bar boost pressure living with ... . the orginal connecting rods without problems can be driven with 1.5 LD bar .... if you do the 16v head on it but you have to leave with the same tool bags valve in the piston because the piston would otherwise pull out all the candles ... compression is Mark 8:1 ... then someone makes it for 25euro per piston ... the crankshaft can stay .... The block is so steadfast about 400HP .....

My project for the end of the year is also the 2e block + forged pistons + stahlpleul + hot cam + extreme head machining + s2 exhaust valves (sodium filled) + large jets + stoßaufladungskrümmer + kkk k race-loader + large charge air cooler + 76mm exhaust system I ....... I hope so to get to 450HP

So you need not buy expensive kit for shit money can buy many things on ebay and some in the business ... you just have to know what ... some deal that we do not collect ... just the experience ...... Siese hgp kits are bad, etc. .. but oderso just priceless when you consider that it may have for the half .....

but all in one, it is a very good decision to take this motor for it, since it is very stable and therefore a very good base hergibt

2500-3000 .... but then you must invest at least reasonable for what

you have to change some welding .. .. and have a lot of time ...... but then you'll have a lot of fun
I hope I have helped a little ...

ps:. headers you will not do anything and you have to chip can be customized anyway.

Yani ilk iki şey: 2e blok, bir turbo-dönüşüm ve ikinci için kullanmak bu *** kitleri unutabilir ki iyi vw-taşlarından biridir .......

Yakında engelleyecek 16v turbo bir G60 bloğu çevirdim ... fakat, aynı zamanda 2e blok ... de içinde bilinen ve gerçekten suuuper olan var ......

Kullanıcı başlayalım .... kolay, sadece G60 dişli gibi, (golf 3 gti 16v) ​​ABF gelen triger kayışı sadece ihtiyacınız 16v (kr/pl/9a) dranbauen giderim çünkü 2e blok çok iyi. o bir şey .. ikincisi şudur: tüm operasyon kolayca 1.5 bar ile krank kurulabilir ... ile yaşayan iç 1,7-1,9 bar basıncına dahil serisi 2e blok sürmek edenler var ... . sorunsuz bağlantı çubukları orjinal 1.5 LD çubuğu ile tahrik edilebilir .... Bunun üzerine 16v kafa yapmak ama eğer piston aksi takdirde tüm mumlar çekin çünkü piston aynı takım çantaları vana ile terk etmek zorunda ... sıkıştırma Mark 8:01 olduğunu ... sonra birisi piston başına 25 € için bunu yapar ... krank kalabilirler .... Blok 400bg hakkında bu kadar sadık olduğunu .....

Yıl sonu için proje aynı zamanda 2e blok + dövme pistonlar + stahlpleul + sıcak cam + aşırı baş işleme + s2 egzoz supapları (sodyum dolu) + büyük jetleri + stoßaufladungskrümmer + kkk k ırk-yükleyici + büyük şarj havası soğutucusu ise + 76mm egzoz sistemi ben ....... Ben 450beygir için o kadar umut

Yani *** para için pahalı kiti satın almak gerekmez ebay ve iş bazı pek çok şey satın alabilirsiniz ... sadece bilmek zorunda ... Topladığımız olmayan bazı anlaşma ... sadece deneyim ...... Siese HGP kitleri vb kötü .. ama oderso bunu yarısı için olabilir bu sadece paha biçilmez düşündüğümüzde .....

ama hepsi bir arada, çok iyi bir taban hergibt bu nedenle çok kararlı olduğu, bunun için bu motor almak için çok iyi bir karar ve

2500-3000 .... ama sonra ne için en azından makul yatırım yapması gerekiyor

bazı kaynak değiştirmek zorunda .. .. ve zaman çok şey var ...... ama o zaman çok eğlenceli bir oyun olacak
Ben biraz yardımcı olmuştur umarım ...

ps:. başlıkları bir şey yapmayacağım ve çip var zaten özelleştirilebilir.

Google Translate spec ahh google ahhh :D

15-03-2012, 21:52
senin kafan karışmış :) AGU koy madem kafan rahat olur stock motor 300hp gündelik binebilirsin

AGU bahali geliyo ilk etapta :D
once 2e koyup, ustune ms kurup biraz atmo takilip daha sonra uflemek aklimdan geciyor..